
WMF policy conference - The future for the UK gambling sector


Online Conference
Thursday, April 24, 2025

Taking place on the Morning of April 24th

Confirmed speakers so far:
Sarah Fox, Deputy Director, Gambling and Lotteries, Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Mark Weiss, Deputy CEO, GamCare

Charles Cohen, Department of Trust; Shahriar Coupal, Advertising Standards Authority; Charlie Leach, Alvarez and Marsal; Prof Agnes Nairn, Bristol Hub for Gambling Harms Research; Richard Williams, Keystone Law
Chaired by:
Alex Ballinger MP

This conference focuses on the future for the UK gambling sector.
Regulation, policy and sector sustainability
It will be an opportunity for stakeholders and policymakers to examine key issues for sector regulation and for customers and interest groups, with discussion on developments in UK gambling policy and industry trends, and the way forward for responsible sustainability of the sector, including next steps for advertising,sponsorship, and tackling the gambling black market.
Statutory levy
Delegates will consider both immediate and longer-term priorities in the context of statutory levy implementation, as the sector prepares for first payments in October 2025. We expect discussion on the levy’s governance, including issues of transparency and collaboration between government departments and the gambling regulator through the Levy Programme Board and Advisory Group.
Resources, research and preventing harm
Delegates will also assess priorities for funding distribution and strategic approaches to research, prevention, and care, as well as implications for organisations in accessing financial support. Implementation of levy rate alignment with gambling harm will also be considered, as well as putting in place an evidence-based process to adequately monitor the impact of gambling, and what constitutes a comprehensive approach to harm prevention.
Consumer protection
Sessions will explore latest thinking on how the economic viability of the gambling industry and opportunities for growth can best be balanced with the need for robust consumer protection measures.
Priorities for evaluating the impact of policy reform will also be discussed, including the role of the Lived Experience Advisory Panel and Evaluation Advisory Group in guiding research. Areas for discussion include early indications of the impact of newly introduced stake limits, learnings from phase one of the ongoing financial risk assessments pilot, and implications of increased regulation on operational costs and consumer behaviour.
Innovation, customer service and tackling the black market
The agenda also looks at developments and opportunities for innovation and technology in addressing negative impacts of gambling, including the way forward for data analytics and responsible design principles, as well as the potential for new approaches in research and care funded by the statutory levy.
Innovation in customer services will also be considered, including the way forward for use of AI and other technologies in customer targeting, age verification, and addressing emerging concerns, including in the online space. Delegates will also assess strategies for tackling the gambling black market and unlicensed operators, including the role payment services providers might play in blocking payments, options for restricting advertising, and priorities for targeted criminal enforcement.
Advertising and sponsorship

Further sessions will examine the future of gambling advertising and sponsorship, and possible knock-on impacts of the Premier League banning front-of-shirt gambling sponsors from the end of the 2025/26 season. Attendees will consider strategic approaches for the gambling sector, including options for cross-industry collaboration on frameworks and assurances on advertising and sponsorship that is appropriate, responsible and does not exacerbate harm.

There will also be discussion on options for tackling the increasing prevalence of white label operators using football to advertise globally, the impact of gambling promotion on young people, and options for increasing customer choice in direct marketing.

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