
EGR Power US Summit 2025


Pelican Hill, California
Monday, September 8 – Wednesday, September 10, 2025

The EGR Power US Summit is a highly exclusive event bringing together senior 
executives from egaming operators in the US. 

As well as providing a unique opportunity for leaders in the industry to come together and discuss the most pressing topics in the sector, the Summit will include a number of networking activities where attendees can continue discussions with 
connections old and new.

Contact Details General enquiries 

Ellie Humphryes
senior event manager
+44 20 7832 6673

Delegate enquiries  

Rachel Stanton
delegate engagement manager
+44 (0)20 3909 5824

Speaking opportunities 

Katie Renton
head of event content
+44 (0)20 7832 6579

Sponsorship opportunities 

Debbie Robson
head of sales
+44 7827295737

More infowww.egruspowersummit.com